this is the voice of a kelantanese..... pikirkn la sendri apsal negeri kelantan makin maju n sejahtera tp malaysia makin mundur....... knapa xder org yang jadikn negeri itu sebagai tauladan????
I have make diction not to vote for BN after I read your article. I am not Malay, but if smart Malay, they should also know that they must no longer vote for BN when Dr. Khir, one of the top leader of Malaysian wrote such article. I wonder this article is to unite Malaysian or …. This is just my point of view, no right and wrong. No Heart Feeling. Please don’t read if you think that you might feel offensive.
I live in Kelantan since the 1st day Nik Aziz ruled Kelantan. Malaysian Chinese that “dislike” PAS so much had started to accept the leadership of Nik Aziz. I think the main reason is:
1. Nik Aziz said that, According to ISLAM. Discrimination is not allowed. Not agree with categorising Malaysian into BUMI or NON-BUMI
2. Provide the Law to protect the interest of minority which is Chinese in Kelantan (LAND).
3. Respect the right of non- muslim and treat them part of this family.
Have anyone being to Kelantan that being rules under Nik Aziz for about 19 years?
According to Tok Guru Nik Aziz, UMNO Tolak ISLAM! I am not a Muslim but I agree with what he said because he had shown Kelantan’s People especially Chinese what is ISLAM under PAS. Of Corse I don’t agree with the idea on “Islamic State” but most of the Chinese can accept the ides on ISLAM brought by Tok Guru Nik Aziz. Today, If you go to Jalan Kebun Sultan which is consider China Town in Kota Bharu , you will find almost all the Chinese over there support Tok Guru Nik Aziz that rules Kelantan with Islamic Idea. It is very hard to get MCA supporter at the China Town! Why do Chinese which is not Muslim will support PAS than MCA which is the representative of Chinese and their job is “defending” the right of Chinese from the enemies which is - Malay(UMNO) and Indian(MIC)? Is the Chinese supporting PAS in Kelantan stupid?
No, Chinese in Kelantan are not stupid. We have use our eyes to see how Nik Aziz helping Chinese. I just give one example – Under PAS government, PAS set rules to protect Chinese’s Land because Chinese is Minority in Kelantan and they need an act to protect their interest.
When you use the words “Saudara”, I wonder why it is only Melayu UMNO, PKR and PAS, when is Malaysian Chinese and Malaysian Indian and others? Nik Aziz always tell us that according to ISLAM, all of us are from Adam and Eve, if you don’t believe that we are from Adam and Eve, Nik Aziz are more than willing to hear and learn from you where are our ancestor from ? So when all of us is the kids of Adam and Eve, so we didn’t not categories (or divided) our sibling into different group like Bumiputra and Non-Bumiputra. We talk in different language; our skin with different colour is because of geography. Nik Aziz always gives us example on Kelantan’s Malay Language and Kedah Malay language which is different in the dialect. Even though Kedah and Kelantan are so near but their language is different, can you imagine people from China and Malaysia on their cultural? According to Nik Aziz, Chinese and Indian is the sibling of Malay, Not Enemies! As what UMNO always “brain wash” the mind of Malay that Chinese and Indian is their “enemies” because Chinese going to grab away their right! When Malay + Chinese + Indian is sibling, why can’t we share whatever we have fairly?
Please look back the history. Once upon a time, the Land that we are standing now is Persekutuan Tanah Melayu. But at that time, Malay is not the TUAN, same for Chinese and Indian. TUAN is some once else. Until once day, Tun HS Lee went to British to get independent but failed because of the start of World War 2. After that, Tunku Abdul Rahman, went to British again to get independence and this time he success. On independent, no one is in debt with anyone! It is how we tolerate for the same aim! We have to always understand that without Chinese and Indian, Malay cannot become TUAN! Dr, if you wish to become the leader of Persekutuan Tanah Melayu(PTM), it is too late, because there is no PTM now. But if you want to be Leader of Malaysia, yea, there is Malaysia. I wish you can be the leader of all Malaysian – Malay, Chinese and Indian etc. You will not get support for just become leader of Malay, even from Malay itself.
Can you imagine, a Chinese baby that just being born in the Hospital? He /She had yet known how to speak; who is his parent, what is his religion etc had being categories as Non-Bumiputra by UMNO and BN! What do the baby did wrong until UMNO and BN penalise the baby by categories the baby as non-bumi? Is this what ISLAM teach UMNO Leaders? Or discriminate is what had thought in ISLAM? Please tell me, Nik Aziz had told me that ISLAM do not allow discrimination, I wonder is Nik Aziz “lying” to me!
I can’t see what wrong if Malaysian being given kesamarataan, menyamakan taraf agama Islam dengan agama lain, menyamaratakan kedudukan orang Melayu dengan bangsa lain. Just a simple reason. Because all of us is Malaysian. Why do you call DAP as “ekstremis Cina” ? Is what DAP do will make Malay worst than Chinese? Why until today, you still using Bangsa Melayu, but not Bangsa Malaysia? I am worry about my right as Malaysian Chinese. I can’t see what UMNO / MCA / BN do for Chinese, but every day, I saw that DAP is fighting for Chinese and Indian. This is very easy to explain why they keep fighting for the right of Chinese and Indian; this is because the right of Chinese and Indian is being discriminated.
Can you imagine if you are Chinese, your kid get 13A in SPM but can’t get any scholarship? What is your feeling? I wish you will reply this question.
Anwar got support from people because he understands our feeling! I am writing because I have to pay so much money for education after SPM.
We understand the concept that If there are 100 people in a village, 60 Muslim, 30 Buddha, 10 Hindu! Are you going to build 10 Mosque, 10 Buddha Temple, and 10 Hindu Temple? The answer is no, government should build 6 mosque, 3 Chinese temple and 1 Hindu temple. But what happen now is government build 10 mosques, 0 temple. In Kelantan, we have so many temples even there is less Non-Muslim compare to Selangor. But there is always more surau and mosque and it is ok for non-Muslim. This is how Kelantan’s people Tolerate under the leadership of Tok Guru Nik Aziz.
I wish to congratulate Tok Guru Nik Aziz, PAS is very successful in protecting Bahasa Melayu. In Kelantan Bahasa Melayu being use to unite Malay, Chinese, and Indian. Just compare any Chinese from Kelantan with others state, Chinese from Kelantan can speak very well in Bahasa Melayu, do you agree? If you said that some Malaysian Chinese MP can’t speak good Bahasa Melayu, Don’t you think this is the failure of Barisan Nasional in promoting BM as official language?
I think you can achieve your dream by tomorrow also. I guess that Tok Guru Nik Aziz is ok to have dinner with you, Dr. M , DS Najib and all UMNO members if all of you are willing to attend ? Besides that, something special about Tok Guru Nik Aziz is, he can also have dinner not only with UMNO leader, but also Anwar Ibrahim, Wan Azizah, Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng and other Malaysian leader. This is also another reason I agreed with the Islam brought by Nik Aziz. Who are the one who stop you achieve your dream, not DS Anwar Ibrahim, but is yourself.
I am not the supporter of Anwar Ibrahim, but Friendly speaking, we can’t denial the leadership of Anwar Ibrahim that is much more acceptable for all races; I think you will agree with it in your heart. Even though some time, my “parents” will say, Anwar is BAD, he is “racist”! May be last time he is bad, but not now. Malaysian gets smarter. He can fool some of the people some of the time, but he cannot fool all the people all the time. If he is fooling around, Kelantan won’t caught in Serious Traffic Jam when he is in Kelantan.
After 50 years, don’t you agree that, we, the Malaysian should stand as once to fight with other country? Why we still fighting among Malay, Chinese and Indian? This does not give any benefit to all of us.
Datuk Seri, I wish to say sorry if my words sound impolitely. I am not racist and not supporting any party. This is just my feeling towards BN. Ignore it if you don’t agree with me.
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