
registration day

welkam welkam
herbalife everywhere!!!
we are malaysian.......!!!
must be scanned before entering...heheheh
so many people still not register lah...tired of standing for nearly 2 hours....:)
tired of waiting lets talk to the herbalifian...heheheh
herbalife everywhere!!!
at the head??? from INDIAAA...!!!
still many to come...heheheh
lets lepak here N hear some ilmu from the tops inside...hehehe
here where the idol rehears themself...heheheh
my name in the hall of fame..:)
if u believe u achieve
the monkey from thailand...hahahah
end of tour..time to study ...hhehehe


  1. idol rehearsal tu kena buat ape?

  2. cam american idol gak tp nih herbalife idol....yang mewakili negara jer tmpat depa nak berlatih....tp xmenang duitpn. duit undian semua pergi ker herbalife family foundation..:)
