
The Long Lost M3.....

its been a while i am not blogging here...... yup, i still alive n still in action. heheheh..... actually i've been doing some study on nutrition n self development. i also have tried to join some new community in the net that i will discuss later.

first lets talk bout my nutrtition club....... its been working now. day by day people start to realize my club. althought its a hard work, but i have fun telling people about the club n what its all about. and also my club start to do our activity nad this is only the begining.insyaAllah.....

namun, (da malas nak english nih....cam xbest plak) bila kita buat something yg melawan arus, cam biasa la ada jer hasad n fitnah menjadi tomahan yg terpaksa aku telan. tp ia xkn sesekali aku biarkn utk menjatuhkn aku. andai apa yg aku buat nih mampu mbangunkn minda anak2 muda zaman skang nih, lantakla apa org nak kata yg penting, nutrition club aku akan terus jalan cam biasa. biarla mak aku sanggup dengar kata org lain yg suka putar belit pn. n aku mmg xsangka mak aku begitu lemah skali dalam bidang memilih kawan dia...... kecewa aku pada dia sebelm bapak aku mati dulupn xhilang lagi, skang dia tmbah kecewa aku lagi..... biarla, hanya Allah aja yg tahu hukuman utk aku yg derhaka nih.... syurga bawah tapak kaki ibu, bukan bawah tapak kaki anak.... biarla besar mananya dosa ibu pada anak tu, syurga bawah tapak kaki ibu.....

yg penting aku syukur program aku alhamdullillah da jalan n semalam my first bbq for nutrition club run perfectly!! i can keep on talking about nutrition to them n promoting healthy lifestyle....:) heheheh..... let the loser became a loser, i will keep on my journey....

then i found this site called couchsurfing (www.couchsurfing.com) project yg mana kita akan backpacking n then tumpang sofa umah mereka. hehehe...akupn da hos sorang dr germany...hehehe... n best part is they have lots of fun activity!!! hehehe.... antaranya free hugs, potluck, trekking n terry fox...... aku joinpn baru free hugs n potluck jer....heheheh

then lets talk nutrition....... a lots of people asking me the good way to lose weight..... welll let me tell you the secret is. the big secret that people searching is calories. that the big secret that all of the people keep on asking me. but the problem is nowaday its hard to control ur calories intake.... why??? there alot of things that we dont realised known as hidden calories. n know this even me its hard to know where is it hidden. thats why its hidden....hehehehe........ so, thats why i recormended a nutrition based replacement food...... n remind this, REPLACEMENT , not SUPPLIMENT!!! oh, its up to anyone to choose the product but for me the best is Herbalife...:) adios!!!


  1. Bro,
    Apa cerita sekarang ni bro? kecewa nape? ada apa-apa ker?
    Well, sebelom ni, ada gak aku terfikir nak tanya mana bapak ko, tapi aku macm takut je nak tanya, kot ko terasa, so sekarang aku tau ler, bapak ko dah takder...

    well, apa-apa boleh contact aku, kot ko nak share ape-ape ker... aku inysALLAH akan cuba membantu...

  2. jgn la kecewa sgt syg.. sabar ek syg..

  3. to romzi..: no problem bro...heheh... biat baik msti ada org dengki nya.... tmbah plak ko try nak bg org sedar yg anak2 diorang terlampau dimanjakn...msti kena bambunya macam dia betul gila2.....sabor je la

    to sayang: xderla kecewa sgt...heheheh

  4. ye ke herbalife bagusss.naktry la gini hehehehe

  5. betul tu herbalife is the best 4 lin too....
