
Robert Kirosaki

salam semua,
aku baru jer abis ngan training call bersama mike dillard n robert kirosaki. once of the people that denied the theory of " you study good n have a good job" juga penulis buku terkenal "poor dad rich dad"

the topc of the call is how to predict the future economy.....

ok, tahun 2005 robert ada mengatakan bahawa ekonomi dunia akan jatuh kerana sistem sekarang ngan industri real estate nih yg dsalah guna. bagaimana ia dsalah guna?? pernah dengar org cakap bali umah bnyk2 than buat duit ngan disewakn?? ok, bayangkn bila semua org beli umah sorang ada 10 -20 umah kerana ketamakan. then memula disewakn ngna harga murah. tp bila org tau benda nih bleh buat duit, then sewa jadi mahal, harga rumah naik. so loan akn apply gila2 punya bnyk, termasuk bunga loan jadi cam mahal gila!!!

sampai tahap nih, owner bleh untung lagi. tp masalah akan timbul bila harga sewa mahal, org xmampu bayar n xda org sewa umah tuh. katalah 20 umah 5 umah jer org sewa...... so duit nak bayar hutang xder, bank plak da bgi semua duit so bank pn xder duit. org da xda duit nak save sbb semua duit abis beli brang makan n hidup jer......lama2 inflasi naik n ekonomi merudum jatuh...... itu yg robert predict few years back......so ia juga alasan knapa robert stop buat real estate n skang join network marketing......heheheh Herbalife la contohnya.

yg bestnya, at the end of the talk he get one question.

"so what do you think of future economy after the bail out been done by US n europe (apa yg malaysia pernah buat dulu)"

kata dia " well, the inflation going to be up, the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer. the midle man will turn to poor and the economu will never been better." " the person that will advantage of this is us!!!"

so, pk pk kn n adiosa!!!!

ps: along ramadhan, i lost a total of 37 kg!!!! wow!!!ask me how!!!