
What Makes Us Overeat?

LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jul. 29, 2009-- Most of us would like to think that we’re in charge of how much we eat. We trust our bodies to tell us when we’re full, and that after we’re done, we have a good sense of how much we’ve eaten.

If only it were true. “Research tells us that subtle cues in our environment can pressure us to dish up more than we need and eat more than we should,” said Luigi Gratton, M.D., vice president of medical affairs at Herbalife. “Larger plates – even larger serving utensils – can prompt over-consumption.” In a self-serve ice cream experiment1, people given large bowls and scoops doled out 57 percent more ice cream than those given smaller dishes and serving utensils.

So, how much we’re going to eat is generally decided before we even take that first mouthful. The reality is we pretty much eat whatever we’re served – whether it’s a little or a lot. From a supersized fast-food meal to a dainty portion in an upscale restaurant, we’re generally satisfied as long as we’ve polished off every morsel. Rather than letting our stomachs decide, we let an empty plate signal an end to the meal.

Controlling how much you put on your plate really becomes the first step in controlling how much you put in your stomach. But other cues can trigger overeating, too. Just smelling or seeing food – anything from the smell of fresh-baked bread to the sight of stale donuts in the company lunchroom – can trigger your desire to eat, even if you’re not hungry. Here are some ways to take charge:

Think spoon, not shovel - It’s an old trick, but it really works - using smaller plates and tall, skinny glasses gives the illusion that there is more food on the dish and more to drink in the glass. Smaller serving utensils help keep you from loading up, too – think spoon, rather than shovel.
Single-serving sizes - As serving containers get larger, so do portions. Those huge bargain-priced cereal boxes may be leaner on your wallet, but studies show you’ll pour yourself a lot more cereal – as much as 20 percent more – than you would from a regular-sized package. Go for the single-serving sizes.
Out-of-reach sweets - Make it inconvenient to eat the unhealthy stuff. You may not make the effort to bake brownies from scratch when the mood strikes, but if you keep the microwavable version around you’ll have to constantly fight the urge. Get the candy dish off your desk and the cookie jar off the counter – set out a bowl of fruit instead.
Mix it up, but not too much - Studies show that the more variety on your plate, the more you’ll eat – all that stimulation keeps your taste buds in high gear. An array of low-cal fruits and veggies is fine, but when faced with a buffet or a dinner served family-style, limit yourself to just a couple of items on your plate at one time.
Shake it up - Try a protein shake for breakfast or lunch. Made from a set amount of milk, protein powder and fruit, it’s a natural when it comes to portion control. Add some ice cubes, and whip it up to increase the volume without adding calories – and enjoy from a tall glass.
1Wansink, Brian, Koert van Ittersum, and James E. Painter (2006), “Ice Cream Illusions: Bowl Size, Spoon Size, and Self-Served Portion Sizes,” American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 31:3 (September), 240–243.


THere's Hope

I'm in loveeee with her voice n lyrics!!! it's not that i love her like i love my sayang, but her song's with tha jazz music give me a new view for hopes...... India Arie, i just know her coincidencely when i'm feeling down n make me thinking a while n just fall in love with the song.......

well, its not the song that make me thinking, but when i search for her in Utube i found a list of great song from her....... a lot people still don't know about her in Malaysia, but she will put the world under storm......... if you like that song, than here another one that i will used it as my stage song....... (this is also for my sayang, Liyana).....heheheh



kisah BABI

penyakit babi itu telah merebak sampai kat kawasan umah aku, Menara Polo. So, kat sini aku nak kongsi kn apa yg jadi hari tuh......

aku: hmmmm.........
awek cina kedai saloon yg buat muka blur: knapa itu?? ada orang sakit ka?
aku: tu da berbungkus tuh, SELSEMA BABI LA TUH
awek cina kedai saloon yg buat muka blur: (ngan muka marah + xpuas ati) apa u kata??
aku: SELSEMA BABIIII..... kan da siap berbungkus ngan plastik cam CDC tuh. nak ambik pesakit la tuh.....
awek cina kedai saloon yg buat muka blur: bukan BABI la!!! H1N1 la..... mana ada BABI!!! (ngan nada yang tinggi pitchnya)
aku: ok.....(dan aku blah)- dalam hati aku, kat m'sia jer poyo pakai nama H1N1. kat berita dari CNN sampai JAZEERA semua pakai SWINE flu, xpakai la PIG flu....hahaha..... tp mana ada orang pakai H1N1..... poyo pakai nama saintifik....... camtuh, baik cakap nama semua penyakit nama saintifik diorang sbb WHO da istiharkan....haahha........ mentangla menteri kesihatan tuh makan babi, xnak panggil selsema babi, aku tau diorang takut sales jatuh sbb org xder selera nak makan babi....hahahah

now, click kat ayat nih utk konspirasi pasal nih plak...jeng jeng jeng......



For those who is Hooot.....

Five Hot Foods To Help You Keep Your Cool

Air conditioning. An ocean breeze. Food? Yes, food can play a role in helping to keep your cool as the temperatures rise. It’s also important to stay hydrated, as heat increases the rate at which we perspire, causing us to lose fluid - along with minerals such as sodium, potassium and magnesium - in the process.

“Drinking the right liquids and eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables can really make a difference in helping you to beat the heat,” saysLuigi Gratton, MD, vice president of medical affairs at Herbalife. “Not only do these foods help to replace fluids and minerals that are lost through perspiration,” Gratton notes, “but fruits and veggies also contain antioxidants that can help protect your body against sun damage, too.”

Next time the heat is getting you down, here are some of the best foods to help you keep your cool:

  • Cantaloupe - Nothing says summer like melons. They’re all great sources of potassium, but cantaloupe has nearly three times the potassium found in watermelon. And, cantaloupe gets its orange hue from a beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant
  • Berries - Too much sun? Sweet, delicious berries naturally contain compounds related to aspirin that can reduce inflammation, and may help take the sting out of sunburn. They’re also a great source of antioxidant vitamin C.
  • Spinach - Leafy spinach has lots of water and is a terrific source of magnesium. Further, spinach gets its green color from lutein – an antioxidant that helps protect the skin and eyes from sun exposure.
  • Chili peppers - Hot foods during hot weather? You bet. Those vitamin-C laden spicy peppers can stimulate perspiration – which, as it evaporates off the skin, helps to cool you off. If you’re not a chili pepper fan, other pungent foods like garlic and ginger have similar beneficial effects.
  • Sports drinks - Plain water is a great fluid replacer, but if you are exercising in hot and humid conditions, sports drinks might be a better choice. They help replace valuable minerals and electrolytes and they’re specially designed to help maximize fluid absorption. And, their light, sweet flavor might encourage you to drink a little more.


Hari Pengiikttiiraffan Team Presiidentt Anttarabangsa
3 tahun mencatat kejayaan, Herbalife Malaysia terus maju ke hadapan, mencipta sejarah, menempuh
halangan, menyebarkan kesihatan dan kemewahan di seluruh negara dan kini, untuk pertama kalinya
di Malaysia, kami meraikan kelahiran Ahli Team Presiden 1 Berlian dan dua Ahli Team Presiden …

Team Presiden Antarabangsa 1 Berlian
Lee Kim Oo & Chew So Chin
Selama dua puluh tiga tahun saya bekerja sebagai ejen insurans sebelum memulakan
karier dengan Herbalife sepenuh masa. Pada awal pembabitan, saya tidak aktif dan tidak menaruh
keyakinan pada bisnes ini tetapi sistem Herbalife telah mengubah fikiran saya sepenuhnya kerana bisnes
ini menawarkan peluang sama rata bagi sesiapa yang ingin berjaya. Potensi pasaran dan peluang
bisnesnya fantastik. Sebagai pengedar, anda tentunya ingin mencapai kejayaan besar dalam bisnes ini,
dan masa hadapan bisnes ini sememangnya cerah. Hanya ikuti sistem bisnesnya yang terbukti kerana ia
sistem yang sangat baik. Gunakan produknya dan alami sendiri kehebatan manfaatnya. Hasil produk
bagus merangsang bisnes anda. Berusahalah secara serius dan jayakan bisnes ini kerana semua mampu
menjadi Ahli Team Presiden.Terima kasih Herbalife kerana mengubah kehidupan kami menjadi lebih baik!
Tahniah kepada Lee Kim Oo dan Chew So Chin kerana berjaya menjadi Ahli Team Presiden 1 Berlian!

Ahli Team Presiden Antarabangsa
Daniel Tan & Jessica Hong
Daniel sudah pun menjalankan bisnes import eksport yang berkembang maju bila
makciknya menceritakan tentang Herbalife. Dia membeli dan mencuba produk ini, hilang
8.5 kg, juga mengurangkan ukuran lilit pinggang 36 inci menjadi 32 inci dan isterinya
hilang 8 kg. Mereka berasa hebat dan tahap tenaga juga meningkat! Diberangsangkan oleh hasil
menakjubkan ini, dia menyertai Herbalife secara sambilan sambil menguruskan bisnes import-eksportnya.
Walaupun tanpa pengalaman Pemasaran Berbilang Tingkat (MLM), Daniel menaruh kepercayaan pada
pelan pemasaran yang teruji. Walaupun pendapatannya tetap, dia tertarik dengan peluang memperoleh
pendapatan tanpa batasan dan tidak mahu melepaskannya begitu sahaja. Memandangkan beliau telah
mengalami hasil produknya yang hebat, terasa lebih mudah baginya untuk meyakinkan keluarga dan
sahabat. Setelah enam bulan, pendapatannya lebih banyak berbanding pendapatan tiga tahun untuk
bisnesnya. Tahniah kepada Daniel dan Oi Lan kerana berjaya menjadi Ahli Team Presiden

Ahli Team Presiden Antarabangsa
Lee Yew Moi & P’ng Hock Theng
Kami menyertai Herbalife dua tahun lalu dan kini menjalankannya sepenuh masa. Sejak
menjadi Ahli Team Jutawan, kami berdua bersemangat dan bermotivasi untuk lebih
berjaya dan melayakkan diri untuk keahlian Team Presiden. Sebelum Herbalife, kami
menjalankan bisnes tradisional termasuk pemasaran, pengurusan, pengeluaran, dan perkhidmatan
pelanggan. Tetapi dengan Herbalife, model bisnesnya berbeza. Sistem hebat sudah pun tersedia untuk
kami ikuti, kami hanya mempromosi bisnes dan produk dengan mengguna produk, mengalami
keberkesanannya, dan mempromosikannya. Itulah apa yang kami buat. Membina dan membangunkan
bisnes menjadi mudah dengan sokongan pemasaran, alat jualan dan produk hebat Herbalife. Tahniah
kepada Lee Yew Moi & P’ng Hock Theng kerana berjaya menjadi Ahli Team Presiden Antarabangsa!

Tempat: TIngkat 14 Time Square
Masa: 3-6 petang
Tiket : Free datang ngan aku....hahaha..... klu distributor xder Guest kena bayar RM20

jom reramai jadi guest aku.....hehehehh


New info On ur Diet

As the number of diabetics increases around the world, we continue to look for natural plant based nutrients to help with this condition. One of the answers may be GYMNEMA SYLVESTRE.

A patented extract of the Gymnema sylvestre plant has been found to stimulate insulin secretion in lab tests, opening the way for further research into its diabetes benefits.

A study published in the peer-reviewed journal Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry examined the effect of the plant extract on mouse and human cells in vitro.

Gymnema sylvestre, grown primarily in the Indian sub-continent, has been used India for centuries as a traditional folk remedy to help maintain optimal health.

Persaud and colleagues from Kings’ College London tested the isolate in vitro on both mouse and human beta cells, which are the pancreatic cells that secrete insulin.

If you can find supplements with the Gymnema Sylvestre extract in them, they may help support blood sugar levels.

wishing you all the best of Health!

Source: Characterisation of the Insulinotropic Activity of an Aqueous Extract of Gymnema Sylvestre in Mouse β-Cells and Human Islets of Langerhans
Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 2009;23:125-132
Authors: Bo Liu, Henry Asare-Anane, Altaf Al-Romaiyan, GuoCai Huang, Stephanie A Amiel, Peter M Jones, Shanta J Persaud
