
A: anta muslim??

B: ....er..... ya...

A: anta mengucap!!!

B:....ash.....er...tidak ana tidak tahu mengucap,ana bukan islam

lalu si B akan dkerat lehernya.....itula senario yg berlaku di Oasis,seramai 20 org kafir hilang nyawanya dia parang al-qaeda.....perkara yg berlaku lebih kurang 3 tahun dulu yg mbuatkn tmpat enginapan tersebut kini dkawal ketat dengan 3 lapisan pegawai bersenjata.......nampak ngerikn???tp situla aku dpt menikmati makanan2 org arab yg menyajikn makanan buffet yg serba cambest!!! kisah lama,tp mmg ssh nak masuk n kuar...tmbah plak tgk askat pakai machine gun ready jer nak nembak.....klu salah aribulan bleh jd sarang lebah aku nih.....

aku nak jer kongi gmbar tempat nih nan kawan2 semua,tp apakan daya,kerana pro ngan C++ laptop abah nih,aku xleh nak load gambar.still blum fidure out prob dia tang mana.aku punya aptop plak xsetel2 lagi...isk...tensen tensen...xbestla xda gmbar nak dkongsikn disini...:)

makanan dia???emmm...sedapnya!!! kambing dia bukan sebarang kambing,bukan kaming biri2 yg biasa,tp kambing gurun yg sedap,lebut jer daging dia.....keju dia plak...mak aih..import yg mahal2 dr frnace smua...nasibla org blanja,klu aku nak kaur duit sendri nak makan semua tuh,bbleh kering duit poket aku nih 3 bulan........sedap sedap...hehehhehe

dhahran,mmg best banda nih.SAUDI ARAMCO da ambik total company nih n negeri dhahran nih.mmg dia punya.company pengeluar minyak terbesar di dunia mlah org arab pakai minyak diorang nih xsampai 10% nak tau lg 1 berita cambest???dunia heboh ngan minyak naikkn??? kat sini minyak turun 60 sen!!!! haraga minyak klu isi kereta pajero jeep ker klu kat M'sia bleh ceah RM100 ke atas,kat sini xsmpai 30 ringgit wooo....patut la rakyat arab kat sini xpandang kete M'sia yg kecik2 tuh.....maoriti pakai 4 wheel!!! malu seh M'sia xmampu kawal harga minyak dunia.still bergantung pada Amerika Yahudi tuh........ allahuallambissawaf....

nih ada pendapat dr sorang brother yg aku hormat sgt utk dkongsi bersama sahabat semua pasal Islamic Country..Malaysia...:)

Reflection From A Distant Brother...
Wa a'laikum as-Salaam wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakatuhu,

Ya ikhwah wa akhawaat,

It is very good to hear from you brothers & sisters. I hope we will keepthis network in touch at all times so that we can keep on motivating eachother to continue our effort to help this deen of Allah.It has been more than two years since I left Minnesota & USA. Now I amliving in my home country, Malaysia. Although living in a "Muslim" country,I still could not find the warmth and nice feeling of brotherhood that I felt when I was in Minnesota with all of you. The attachment, the brotherhood, the 'jasbah', the love, the unity - are incomparable to what we have here. Infact, at times me and my wife are becoming more afraid of living and raising our future children (insha Allah) in our own country because we can see infront of our eyes that the muslim ummah are slowly degrading in faith and aamal - loss in the greed of materialisme, secularisme, complacency.

While in Minnesota, I could feel like every second of my life is in jihad.The way I carry myself, the way I talk, the way I walk, the way I treat people, the way I dress - all these can have an impact, either positivelyor negatively, to the people around me, especially to the non-muslims. Thats why I think it is worth for me to remind myself all the time torectify and improve my aqidah, ibadah, mua'malah and especially akhlaq. Through akhlaq, people in Southeast asia become Muslims 600 years ago.Through akhlaq also, people in China become muslims. All these can happen only with constant learning, teaching and sharing of 'ilm and striving inHis path.

I miss praying in a classroom or even just at a lounge somewhere and suddenly some brothers just stood behind and joined in a 'jemaah' prayer. I miss breaking my fast with the brothers & sisters. Miss the Jumuah prayer, where we used a hall somewhere at the U for it. Even miss praying in the open air, on a grass, at the highway.. All these, I cannot experience anymore in Malaysia.

When I think about it, I came to a conclusion. "The sweetness of our iman & ibadah & Islam will come through jihad (struggle) and sacrifice". When we sacrifice something for the sake of Allah and we persevere in it, the love of this deen will come into our hearts and we will taste the sweetness of practicing Islam despite being in difficult situations. When we ashame ourselves, putting our foreheads on a dirty ground, just to prostrate to Allah, despite being seen by the non-muslim as 'stupid' or whatever, the sweetness of it we will find in our hearts, something that other people cannot feel, even muslims in muslim countries cannot feel because they did not have to struggle or sacrifice much, e.g. masajid are everywhere, halal food is everywhere etc.. believe me brothers and sisters, this is true. Youwill feel it or perhaps you already felt t.

Thus, with love, I would like to encourage you (and especially my self) to continue the endevors, jihad and sacrifice in propagating the kalimah ofAllah in the land of Minnesota, USA and in the world.. insha Allah, Allah will reward us for it in this world and in the hereafter.

This deen is Haq. Islam is Haq. Allah is Haq. LaailahaillahMuhammadurrasulullah.

Keep in touch.

Your distant brother in Islam,
Rafique Adi Putra bin Mohd Nasir
Bintulu, Malaysia.
12 Rabiu'l Awwal 1427
